"Seven Pomegranate Sticks"

About event

Publicist Zulfugar Rüfatoglu is the author of the production and song lyrics of the play based on one of our small instructive everyday tales, “Seven Pomegranate Sticks.” The performance, staged by the theater's chief director, Honored Artist Gurban Masimov, can be described as a completely different take on the classic fairy-tale style. Thus, the director managed, with the help of various puppet techniques, to present the viewer with an exhausted image against the backdrop of the events arising from the plan, and achieved a classic, kind of nostalgic stage solution.

Age restrictions / Language

3+ / Azərbaycanca
"Seven Pomegranate Sticks" "Seven Pomegranate Sticks"

Venue location
Neftchilar Avenue 36 , Baku, Azerbaijan